Folding Services

We perform Folding Services. When designing a brochure or pamphlet you want the best quality you can get. Let us do the folding for you! After printing your flawless design now it’s time to think about the folding, you’ll find landscape or portrait folding with a single, double, or trifold with options like Z-fold, bi-fold, accordion fold, roll fold, gate fold, double panel folds, and double gate folds. Regardless of the type of fold you need for your project we can help with our Folding Services.

If you’re representing a lot of information then a tri-fold would be the best way to go. The information is split up into three separate pages letting the reader take in each page instead of all at once; you can pack a lot of information into a small amount of space. A tri-fold also allows the information to be found easily without searching the entire brochure or pamphlet. Each of your brochures or pamphlets may require a different fold with each one but the popular folds are half fold, tri-fold, and Z-fold.

The difference between the three folds are each unique so it would depend on how you want your information to appear. The half fold is a single sheet of paper folded in half and is best serving as a product presentation that showcases two products, as each product would get its own page. The Z-fold option is also good for showcasing products, procedures, or highlighting information, the single sheet of paper is holding into a Z shape giving the brochure or pamphlet a Z shape. A tri-fold design also folds a single piece of paper into three, as this is the most common fold it can hold a lot of general content. Each project is different but you have great options to help you nail the campaign you’re sharing.

Contact us today for more information about our Folding Services.

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